A 200kg class rotary wing Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), represents a new frontier in drone technology. By leveraging advanced sensors that have become increasingly compact, Muotse eliminates the need for large platforms traditionally required for various missions. This innovative UAS is designed to excel in both military and civilian applications, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in challenging environments.

Key Features & Capabilities

  • MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight): 200kg
  • Payload Capacity: 95kg
  • Range: 1,500km
  • Endurance: 12 hours
  • Ceiling: 6,500 meters
  • Advanced AI Capabilities: AI-assisted landing, target recognition, and tracking
  • Power System: Redundant gas-electric hybrid for enhanced reliability and efficiency
  • Maintenance: Low maintenance with minimized vibration for prolonged operational life


Traditional Navy Off-Board Sensor Missions

Perfect for off-board naval operations, providing a versatile and dependable tool for surveillance and reconnaissance.

Army ISR*

Offers critical ISR support to military forces, enhancing situational awareness and operational efficiency.


*Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

Coast Guard EEZ* Monitoring and Rescue

Ideal for coastal surveillance, resource management, and search-and-rescue operations.


*Exclusive Economic Zone

Wildfire Monitoring

Equipped to monitor and assess wildfire situations, aiding in prevention and response efforts.

Muotse Product Sheet